Physics: Methodological board

  1. Sergei Evgenievich Muraviov, Chair
    Associate professor
    National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

  2. Irina Egorovna Sukovataya
    Vice Head of the School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology
    Siberian Federal University

  3. Artur Grigorievich Pogosov
    Head of the Department of Physics Novosibirsk State University

  4. Sergei Nikolaevich Filimonov
    Dean of the Faculty of Physics
    Tomsk State University

  5. Valentina Vladimirovna Jurihina
    Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor
    St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

  6. Nina Yurievna Obvintseva
    Associate Professor at the Department of Physics
    National University of Science and Technology MISiS

  7. Stanislav Vladilenovich Vinogradov
    PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Deputy Department Head, Senior Lecturer at the General Physics Department
    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology