Possible outcomes and their explanations

Outcome Alias Test number is provided? Outcome explanation Possible reason
OK OK No The solution is accepted The solution works correctly on the corresponding set of test cases
Compilation error CE No Compilation of the solution failed 1. Syntax or semantic error in the solution 2. Solution language was chosen incorrectly
Wrong answer WA Yes Incorrect output on one of the test cases 1. A mistake in the solution 2. Wrong algorithm
Presentation error PE Yes Output cannot be checked as its format doesn’t satisfy the requirements 1. Incorrect output format 2. No output at all 3. Extra output
Time-limit exceeded TL Yes The solution exceeded the time limit 1. A mistake in the solution 2. The solution isn’t efficient enough
Memory limit exceeded ML Yes The solution exceeded the memory limit 1. A mistake in the solution (eg.: infinite recursion) 2. The solution isn’t efficient enough
Output limit exceeded OL Yes The solution exceeded the output limit 1. A mistake in the solution (eg.: infinite recursion)
Run-time error RE Yes The solution stopped working with a non-zero exit code 1. Runtime error 2. The solution doesn’t end with “return 0” in case of C/C++ 3. Non-zero exit code is manually specified 4. Java solution is in a package
Precompile check failed PCF No The solution doesn't pass precompile checks 1. Bad code style 2. Other code checks are not passed. Check the statements or submission report
Idelness limit exceeded IL Yes The solution was idle too long 1. Solution expects extra input 2. flush() is missing